Everything is Awesome, except maybe that song. Maybe.
With stunning stop-motion-esque digital animation, almost every Lego character we know and love, comes to live with the same yellow-headed always-happy-go-lucky personas we’ve manufactured for ourselves. The world abounds with serialized parts, new and old, ubiquitous and rare. Water flows and buildings crumble same as if they were under the bed. Scenes are a wonderland of classic color and sound and the viewer is torn between the feeling of participatory transformation and the existential existence of the legos before them. Trauma, elation, and character prowess evolve for each character as if they were in our hands, with time precisely imaginative and death separate from mere disembodiment
Contrary to the vague trailers, the plot is somewhat harsher than anticipated, but trite enough to enjoy the twists and turns of the adventure. As Emmet, the main character, begins his journey, the viewer enjoys the perfect sense of order that is demanded of any self-respecting lego city and is comforted by the familiar comrade shared by the identical characters in building perfection around them, to which Emmet participates directly. However, tensions build as Emmet is exposed the the truth behind a world of mini-figures and structures built to standards and perfection.
Enter the Master Builders, representing the lingering cadre of creative genius, consequently, the life-blood of all lego cities, who directly and obviously, oppose all that stand for order. The Master Builders, collected from the robust Lego mini-figure line foreign to many ‘retired’ enthusiasts, give the requisite nod to many of the special characters throughout time, delivering personas appropriate and realistic and jokes worth laughing at. They are also the core of the adventure and the road map of the journey.
I don’t think it’s too much to give away saying that the good guys win, but keep in mind, it is worth enjoying the film to the headers of close-to-home conflict, where the audience is left with a suitable compromise and yet terrified of their own future.
Enjoy the film, but beware the theme song that embeds it’s self in you life like a flat one by one on a building plate.
Everything is awesome and so is this post! Love the movie!