Clem Snide: We Leave Only Ashes

Another great album to listen to during your weekend post weekend: New work by Eef Barzelay / Clem Snide, We Leave Only Ashes.

As an aside, I wonder if John Darnielle and Eef met in a dingy bar whether they would be friends, enemies, or politely ambivalent – offering a courteous handshake & a subtle nod, dousing the fictitious spark before it turns to collaborative fire. Having no musical talent I cannot speak to the dynamics that collaborations may require, but I picture two lyrical heavyweights prepping to spar*, barstools cum corner ring equipment, poetry-slams be dammed, no beatnik has ever sweat like this.

What would they drink, whiskey or beer? I’ll buy a round if it means a front row seat.

Anyway, Eef is streaming/selling the entire album on Bandcamp. I fully recommend that you buy the whole collection.


And now you know.

* Knowing how intently Darnielle follows the sport I’d recommend shadowboxing.


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