Strangefolk: Live at the Capitol Theatre

Hark PaisleyReaders, I had a fantastic weekend! It was great for Pac-12 Basketball, great for music, and great for food. Overall Rating: A+

I was invited by an a intrepid friend and music-lover to the Strangefolk Reunion at the Paradise Rock Club in Boston, MA, and while I rarely venture beyond the carefully crafted & highly cultivated walls of my Jam Band Fortress (I fear there may be DMB fans out there), Friday night proved to be quite a treat.

Yes, there were frat guys in tuxedo vests shouting “wooooo-boyee”, and yes, there were stoners crawling across the sticky, beer-stained concrete floors attempting to track down a missing roach (it was ultimately recovered from between the legs of my friend a la Mermaids.. I mean, er.. Overboard? .. oh yeah, Splash, that’s the one). Despite a few goof-balls in the crowd and an abundance of broken legs, the atmosphere was highly entertaining and I enthusiastically watched as guitarist Jon Trafton, cancer-survivor, ripped songs to pieces and drummer Luke Smith held them together. The pair alone would make a compelling duo that I would happily see again.

So, in the end, by overcoming my aversion to single-octave, mosquito-toned, soft jammy rock, I was able to witness, wholly fresh, jamming that was both uplifting and completely exhausting. I haven’t danced until quarter-to-two in a long time.

And now you know.


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2 thoughts on “Strangefolk: Live at the Capitol Theatre

  1. This posting has the stabby cat stamp of approval!

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  2. Still trying to like jam bands………………..

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