Dan Blakeslee: The Holiday Fair & Your Christmas Companion

Local hero, Dan Blakeslee, has released two holiday albums over the years: The Holiday Fair in 2008 and Your Christmas Companion in 2006. Naturally, these albums are distributed quite local to the blustery Northeast and therefore it is up to the PaisleyBlog to introduce them to the West & Southwest.

When I picked these albums up from Mr. Blakeslee six months ago on the deserted platform of the Davis Square T-Train underground, he implored me to listen to them during the correct season and I obliged – they are understandably more fitted to the season’s of their design but could easily be played year round. Indeed, similarly to Dr. Gasp’s spooky halloween offerings, Dan’s holiday recordings are authentic and beautiful throughout.

The Christmas Tree Calling video (above) was put together in 2011 by Sleepover Shows, a Boston-based hipster pair who barter their spare room in exchange for (amazingly well produced) recording sessions.

We’ll keep you posted if any new Blakeslee pressings manifest between now and next August, but for now, stay warm and enjoy your Christmas companion.


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1 thought on “Dan Blakeslee: The Holiday Fair & Your Christmas Companion

  1. What an awesome idea the Sleepover Shows?!?! This Dan guy is really cool. I want to sing as well as him!

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