Eb’s Camp Cookin’

Yarrrrrrrrrr. This be this authors first post on the PaisleyTunes blizzog.

Cowboy beans on a metal tray with a wooden spoon? Just about. Eb’s Camp Cookin’ was recorded in Tucson way back in 2009 at the 17th Street Farmers Market. A delicious concoction of hippie, border and folk, Eb’s Camp Cookin’ is a band you won’t soon forget.

I ran into these guys when they were recording their album, Plain Green Wrapper, in 2009. Maybe I got a marijuana contact high, but once I heard these guys a-rockin’ I forgot what I showed up to the market for. Mandolins, guitars, accordions, tambourines, drums and beards produce shorter jam sessions similar to what one has come to expect from Widspread Panic or Leftover Salmon. The store was packed but not with shoppers, only boogiers were there that day.

Two years later, I had been kicking myself constantly for failing to pickup one of their cds. Humming new classics like “Ridge Runner” or “Drug Dog Bob” for two years off of a single playing in a farmers market. What was I thinking? Low and behold after licking a toad I came to the realization that the farmers market itself might just have a copy of their recording. They did. I bought it. It’s still fantastic.

Local colors paint artfully written lyrics and music.


* Mark Robert “Eb” Eberlein on guitar, dobro, harmonica and vocals, Phil Anderson on bass, Tim O’ Connor playing fiddle and mandolin, and Kevin Schramm on accordion.

Eb’s Camp Cookin’ on MySpace

Plain Green Wrapper was #2 top-seller at 17th Street Market, Tucson, Ariozna (for the week ending April, 08, 2011) source

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1 thought on “Eb’s Camp Cookin’

  1. Slick Rock is solid.

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