Amadou & Mariam: Folila

As a number of blog readers will be traveling this weekend, I decided to post a bit of traveling music, not so much of a review as a recommendation.

Amadou & Mariam create some great world-fusion music. Their upcoming release, Folila (due April 2nd), is no exception.

Unfortunately, rather than utilizing their recent fame to clarify their chosen sound, they seem to be pursuing exactly the opposite outcome- jet-setting around the world and recording complex tracks with each of their musical inspirations. Using fame as a springboard into the sampling deep-end.

While I have never been a fan of the Pop-Rap trend of every song ‘featuring’ another sellout cross-over artist, realistically, if I was famous, I would probably do the same thing… or maybe every track would just feature Phish.

[itunes id=”75649920″].

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0 thoughts on “Amadou & Mariam: Folila

  1. This is funk-a-delic. How did I live so long without it??

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