De Dannan All Stars: The Star Spangled Molly

As a Sino-Pop junkie, I can’t differentiate much between jigs, waltzes and what ever else you could call flute, fiddle and squeeze box music from the British Isles. I can say however, that when it’s good, it’s dancing’ good and nearly impossible not to jiggle at the tempo of the tune if you’re not already dancing and hooting and yearning to pick up the all too ominous four-string squeaker yourself and shed some bars. BEERS ON ME! Of course, we indeed need time to have our pint, so an interlude or two of beautifully harmonious vocal ballads gives us our prescribed rest and recuperation before having at the next reel or roll or however it’s called.

At first glance this album, as I stated, does little to differentiate it’s self. However with respect to many of the unique qualities we here at seek out, this album finds solace in one of our few niche playlists.  Proudly settling in next to other greats, De Danann offers up it’s very own version of the eternally over-played, but never over-produced, Hey Jude. Welcome De Danann, to the inner circle.

[itunes id=”353681621″].

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0 thoughts on “De Dannan All Stars: The Star Spangled Molly

  1. that doesnt sound like Hey Jude at all! Im adding it to my shuffle.

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  2. Yeah, the preview isn’t quite true to form, but the whole song is on target. You’ll have to download the full 4:00 min song.

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  3. They do an especially good job at 3:44 of delivering the na, na, na, na-na-na-naa, na-na-na-naa, Hey Juude.

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