Support Their Talents

I love hearing your tunes and reading your posts, and love your passion for sharing new, obscure tunes with your family, friends, and friends of friends. I’m also happy I fall in your short list of friends, since otherwise life would suck. But as your good friend I want to ask, by allowing us to download these wonderful tunes, are we not undermining the incredible talents of these musicians, and not supporting their creative talents? I wish musicians made oodles and oodles of money, so they could all contine to focus their talents on their musical talents, as opposed to getting a third job at Starbucks. Side bar: A job at Peet’s would at least be acceptable third job. But back on topic, as we all enjoy your music blogg, I encourage us all to BUY music from some, all, of the talented musicians that we come to appreciate through your blogg. Imagine artists, new and old, receiving well deserved recognition and appreciation of their talents through purchases of their songs and albums inspired by your blogg! Long Live Rock!



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0 thoughts on “Support Their Talents

  1. This post brings up a very good point and we at PaisleyTunes whole-heartedly agree. As someone who has been admitted into the membership knows, this blog serves two main purposes, the first is to publicize artists and their music, hopefully furthering their success at least a tiny amount. The second is to serve strictly as a personal backup for individual members. I would like to implore anyone who is interested in any of the musicians noted within the confines of this blog to purchase their albums at full retail price from the musician’s personal website or at their show. That is the best way I can think for us to support their work. Listen, love, and spread the word. No musicians were harmed in the making of this post.

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  2. Raddical!

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